

9:00am – Sunday School for all ages (nursery is provided)
10:00am – Worship Service (nursery is provided)
(Junior Church for children 3yrs. though 2nd grade)

Every fifth Sunday with months that have five Sundays we have a Potluck immediately following the worship service.


7:00pm – Prayer Meeting


6:30pm – Awana:

  • Cubbies – 4 and 5 year olds
  • Sparks – kindergarten through 2nd grade
  • T&T – 3rd though 6th grade
6:30pm – Teen group (7th through 12th grade)

Here at Lebanon Bible Church we have in place “Reducing the Risk” paperwork that all must fill out that are leading our youth ministries. This helps us ensure that all of our youth is protected as much as humanly possible.


8:00am – Men’s Breakfast (first Saturday of every month)