1 Peter

The first book of Peter is a wonderful book of encouragement to a group of Christians who were going through various trials. Keep focused on our new understanding of life and live it to the praise of God's glory.

Knowing Your Enemy; Living For God

October 20, 2013

The devil is not someone dressed in an outfit with a pointy tail, horns on his head and a pitchfork in his hand. The devil is an enemy that we must know in order for us to have a correct perspective on why and where our trials come from. But if we are going to handle our trials correctly we must also know how to live. We must be determined to live to the praise of God's glory. When we know the devil and how to live it is then that we will understand the reasons for the trials.

1 Peter 5:8-11

Dressing for the Occasion

October 13, 2013

Most of us are concerned with the way we dress. A matter of fact there is a lot you can tell about a person by the way they dress and the same thing is true with the Christian. What is the most important thing that a Christian can dress in and do we dress in it?

1 Peter 5:5-7

Caring for God's People

October 06, 2013

There are many misconceptions of what the responsibilities of a pastor are, but Peter gives some great insight to what God expects of His under-shepherds and they are not what most would expect in our churches today.

1 Peter 5:1-4

Committed to God's Judgment

September 29, 2013

We commit ourselves to many things in life, but are we willing to commit to God no matter what? Trials are for the purpose of glorifying God, but they are also an opportunity to prove our faith to others. When the day of visitation comes to the unbeliever will they reflect upon our commitment to God through our fiery trials and therefore consider Christ as their Savior or will they reflect upon our failure to handle the fiery trials and reject Him? Let us not accept failure; let us be committed to God's judgment.

1 Peter 4:17-19

Committed to God's Glory

September 22, 2013

We always commit ourselves to many different thing, but are we committed to God's glory? Peter, in these verses, stresses the importance of being committed to God's glory through our suffering. The only thing for the Christian to do now is determine whether or not he or she will commit themselves.

1 Peter 4:12-16

Glorifying God with Our Service

September 15, 2013

We have received gifts not for ourselves, but for the edification of others and more importantly, they are to be used to the praise of God's glory.

1 Peter 4:10-11

Praying Caring and Sharing

September 08, 2013

The end of all things is at hand and we need to be serious and watchful in our prayers. In order for us to function as a healthy church in these last days we need to be praying, caring and sharing and we need to do so Biblically.

1 Peter 4:7-9

Following Christ's Example in Suffering

September 01, 2013

Jesus Christ was the ultimate example for suffering. We know how He suffered and why He suffered, but the question we have to ask ourselves is are we will to follow His example in suffering?

1 Peter 4:1-6

Christ's Example of Suffering

August 25, 2013

Every organization needs a great leader to follow and what greater example could one ask for in a leader than our Savior Jesus Christ!

1 Peter 3:18-22

Setting God Apart in Our Thinking

August 18, 2013

Many times we let our circumstances consume our thoughts when Peter tells us that we are to set God apart in our heart and be ready always to give an answer for the hope that is within us. If we stay focused on God it will not matter what else is going on around us and it is then that people will see Christ in us.

1 Peter 3:13-17

Bless and Be Blessed

August 11, 2013

So many of us want to be blessed of God, but are not willing to be a blessing to others. If we want God's blessing than we must start blessing.

1 Peter 3:8-12

Treasure Your Wives

August 04, 2013

Our wives are a gift from God and they are heirs together with us of the grace of life and we should treasure them as such. Let us as Christian husbands treasure our wives and let the unsaved world around us see that Christ has made a difference in our marriage.

1 Peter 3:7

Submitting to God in Regards to Your Husbands

July 28, 2013

One of the hardest, if not the hardest, thing for man to do is be submissive. This is also true for Christian wives, but this is what God has called wives to do and God has given us two reasons for this in chapter 3.

1 Peter 3:1-6

Submitting to God in Regards to Masters

July 21, 2013

It is common today for people to quit their jobs because they work for a harsh boss or they just aren't happy were they are, but we as Christians have to look at things from a different perspective. God has placed us in whatever position He placed us for a witness. Let us follow Christ example and stay focused on God's purpose for us on this earth.

1 Peter 2:18-25

Submitting to God in Regards to the Government

July 14, 2013

Most Christians have a hard time submitting to a government that goes against everything that we stand for as Christians, but this is what God has called us to do. Let us submit to the extent that those in leadership see Christ in us.

1 Peter 2:13-17

Praising God With Your Life

July 07, 2013

Jesus Christ has called every Christian to make Him known with our lips, our mouth, but it is crucial that we also show Christ to others with our life. The way we live will speak louder than what we say.

1 Peter 2:11-12

Praising God With Your Lips

June 30, 2013

Luke 6:45 says, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks". What is that most Christians are talking about? Are we talking about the things of God or are we talking about other things? It is when we are consumed with God that we will talk about the things of God. Let us focus of the love of God and share with others His love in response to His love.

1 Peter 2:4-10

Desiring God's Word

June 23, 2013

There are a lot of things that people desire. Some want to get in good shape, but lack the dedication to do so. Peter tells us that if we desire to grow in our salvation we need to do two things. First we need to lay aside our sin and second we must desire the pure milk of the Word. If we do not do these two things it will be impossible to grow as Christians.

1 Peter 2:1-3

Our Response to the Gospel

June 02, 2013

Most people who respond to the gospel in the positive do so to escape the flames of hell, but our response should go much deep than that. When we accept Christ as our Savior we enjoy our new brothers and sisters and have a brotherly love toward them, but God expects our love to grow even deeper, but this love has to be pure and diligently pursued with all our heart. When we love one another like this it is then that we are the church God has called us to be.

1 Peter 1:22-25

Living Temporarily for Eternity

May 26, 2013

So often we get caught up living for the temporal. We live for the things of this world when we should be living for the next. We will all stand judgment as believers and this should compel us to live for the next, but God's love should be the driving factor which really compels us to live for the next. How we live today reveals whether or not we really believe God and what He has said in His Word.

1 Peter 1:17-21

Living in Light of God's Grace

May 19, 2013

What keeps us going in life as Christians? Do we let our circumstances dictate the way we live? Peter tells us that it is God's grace that should direct us on how to live. Let us not be consumed with our present circumstances, but with the grace of God.

1 Peter 1:13-16

The Wonder of God's Grace

May 05, 2013

What is that you and I are interested in? The prophets, apostles and angels are interested in God's grace. Should we as the recipients of God's grace be as interested or even more so than the angels? Let our lives reflect our appreciation for all God has done, is doing and will do for His special people.

1 Peter 1:10-12

Living for His Glory

April 28, 2013

What is it that motivates us to live life when life is at its hardest? Why do we continue when times get tough? As Christians it should be in knowing that God uses trials to conform us into the image of His Son. Let us look at trials in a positive way and not negative. God is for us not against us.

1 Peter 1:6-9

God's Abundant Mercy

April 21, 2013

So often we can be caught up in our present circumstances and loose sight of who God is and what He has done. Let us stay focused on God's abundant mercy and all else will pale in comparison.

1 Peter 1:3-5